February 20

This isn’t an official holiday (it’s one of the days staff can take off optionally), so I started work at the usual time.  I was delighted to see that one of our techs had checked in (he’s officially been away for the weekend) and had registered a complaint with the offending ISP.  I answered the customers whose mail I hadn’t answered yesterday, and did the rest of my online chores.

I was worried about being physically tired.  Monday is laundry day, and I do the folding, and it annoys my back.  And then I’d committed to getting my clothing all ready for the trip, because I don’t expect to be up to doing the actual packing once I’ve had the infusion.  I finished the laundry sitting down on the bed rather than leaning over it, and that helped. Then I got back to the computer, and went through a bunch of stuff I’d wanted to finish.  I’m non entirely done yet, but I’ve made excellent progress.  I didn’t quit until 11:30, at which time I realized I’d better stop because I wanted to make sure I could do the pre-packing.

I had lunch (a bit more of my leftover Peruvian chicken), and enjoyed it.

I fe;t tired, so I pulled out my list and sat on the bed to contemplate it. (We use lists; they don’t change much from trip to trip and they make life much easier.) I grabbed things out of my drawers and closet, separating the outfit I figure on wearing from the stuff to be packed.  I stuffed the usual suspects (underwear, tee shirts) into small lingerie bags to keep them organized, and moved them onto the living-room couch.  And that’s when I realized that I was perfectly energetic going back and forth between the bedroom and the living room.

And that’s how it was for the afternoon.  I didn’t let my self go back to the computer– much.  (I put in a couple of brief work sessions, but mostly sat on the bed resting my back.)  I had a phone call from some dear friends, and that was very nice.  It was quiet, but had already been very productive.

My back is a little achy, but that’s nothing new.  I feel pretty good.  At the risk of providing TMI, I’ll comment that my gut seems to have become unstuck today after a few days of not producing much, and that might be part of it.  (I also wonder whether there’s a stimulant in the spice of the Peruvian chicken.)

Whatever it is, I like it.  Tomorrow we start the siege; I hope I feel this energetic going into it.  One day at a time.  Happy Thanksgiving.