February 29

My brother left this morning.  My sister and brother-in-law have driven him to the airport.  We said our good-byes; Mom and my sweetie were up, but Dad was still (is still) sleeping.

I did pretty well yesterday.  Much as I enjoy the company and the stimulation, there’s no getting around the fact that it knocks me out, and I’ve had much more company immediately after this latest infusion than I’m accustomed to having.

Still, we walked and we swam, and we enjoyed the spa.  I showered and rested and read a little.  I had a good lunch on the leftover guacamole and hummus from the other night.  I spent the afternoon quietly– reading, napping, watching TV.  Supper was a mixture of leftovers, including the remains of the rotisserie chicken from a few nights ago.  That’s quite easy for me to eat, and I really enjoyed it.

We retired at 8:00 so as to be sure to be awake to see my brother off.  I slept pretty well and we were up in plenty of time.  We’ve taken our walk, and my sweetie is making me breakfast.  Happy Thanksgiving!