February 13

I had an enormously productive day today.  I’ve been working on two major projects, one for work, one for me.  The one for me is (or should be; in one of the late stages I blew away some unsaved changes to a text file and had to recreate those parts, so you never know), the matter of half an hour, maximum.  The one for work is longer term, but I’m over a major hurdle that I’ve been unhappy about for a while, but that part is done.  There are still two chunks left, and I’m not sure how involved either one is.

Meantime, it was a laundry day, so in between stints at the computer I did the folding and organized myself.  I got a lovely gift from an online from from the 1980s and 90s.  She was on the West Coast in those days, and I had no idea she’s now in the DC area.  Note to all purveyors of chocolate:  with part of this gift, I have more than enough for the time being.  (There was also a book, lavender soap, and a lovely, lovely letter which I have yet to answer properly.)

My usual routine is to work (that’s as in “at my job”) in the morning, and then spend the afternoon at the computer or not, but checking in only briefly at my job unless there’s something particular for me to take care of.  This afternoon I worked on my “home” project (more organizing), interspersed with watching junk TV (cooking shows, primarily, but I’m a slut:  I’ll watch makeovers and stare at women spending huge amounts of money on wedding gowns.)  (There, Kathryn.  Now you know.) I also scraped the char from the burnt cookies, which made my ice cream, chocolate sauce, cookie treat much nicer.

I received the order of books (remember that I read Blackout?  Well, now I’m gonna read All Clear– but there are a couple of other items ahead of it in the queue.  So I’m exhausted now, but feeling really good.  And I’m very happy to recognize that I’ve had a bit more stamina the last few days.  I’m not running a marathon, or even climbing many flights of stairs, but I’m better than I was, and that makes me very happy.

One day at a time.  Happy Thanksgiving.